The Food We Waste: Visual Storytelling as a Form of Activism

Photographer Chris King presents his work on food waste at NYU, Florence

In September 2015 I was invited by Professor and photographer Alessandra Capodacqua to NYU in Florence, Italy to give a talk to students, professors and local activists on my work and the topic of food waste.

It’s an honour to be asked to give a talk to any group of people, but to be invited to NYU in Florence was quite a significant honour for me, and the highlight of my year.

Because of the mixed crowd, I tried to balance my talk between the visual storytelling side of things, and the issue of food waste. I also made a point of meeting up with people from a local organisation, Senza Spreco, to ensure I presented attendees with a means of getting involved with the fight against food waste, right on their doorstep.

Below is a recording of the talk in full – I hope you enjoy it!

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